Our company is a Global company and is either absorb or merge or bought by another bigger Global company.
There is no document yet that is why we dont know what term to use.
The bigger company is starting to make people movements in our company. Making some changes in the way we normally do business.
There were some verbal assurance by senior regional managers of the bigger company that they will make sure that there will be no diminution of benefits for the smaller company. But no documents to show from them.
Slowly, the bigger local company is starting to make little by little changes in our company and we can feel that our benefits are being reduced.
Is it legal for the bigger Company to make changes in our company without any documents to show whether we are merged or was bought by the bigger company? The corporate offices already finalized the deal. According to our HR, the main office is still not sure whether to declare merger or acquisition and sre still studying it.
Is it legal to refuse orders from the officers of the bigger company? Because as of now, we dont know what authority and who gave them authority to implement changes.
We have company handbook and all our benfits are enumerated there. Is it compulsary under the law for the bigger company to respect or implement it?
We also have unwritten benfits and had been practiced for many years . Will they also respect it?
Do we have to wait to sign a document that we are now working for the new comapany before we implement changes ordered by the bigger company officers?
Thanks you very much!