I am a professional freelance composer and arranger for theater. I belong to a group that is University based.
Yesterday we discovered that the University's official Wikipedia page contains a writeup about our group. The gist of the write-up claims that we produce theatrical pieces that are all-copied from musical scores, script, set design and costumes. It claims that we have copied the theater pieces from popular TV shows and movies.
I personally found it derogatory to our careers as professional artists, and a direct assault to my dignity as a composer, to the writer who wrote all-Filipino musicals for the past 15 years, to the set designer who is an acclaimed designer in the states, and the costume designer who happened to be a celebrated painter from UST.
I would love to hear your opinion if I do have a chance to redeem our reputation, at least from the people who have read the article that have been existing online for who knows how long.
Thanks and more power to you all!