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Company relocation and changed name

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1Company relocation and changed name Empty Company relocation and changed name Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:48 am


Arresto Menor

Hi, i need some legal advice regarding the situation we're in. Few months ago, our company notified us that the company name will be changing name and relocating to a new address. So they let us choose to either sign a new contract under the new company, or take the voluntary resignation package. It includes 1 month pay for every year of service, 1 month paid leave, plus the accumulated leave credits. They informed us about this last March and promised that we will only wait for a maximum of 45 to 60 days for it to take place. So we decided to go for the package instead and did not sign a new contract. The problem is, until now we're still waiting for them to give it to us. Then after a couple of months waiting, they told us that we will be no longer getting the 1 month paid leave. And so we sent a letter to HR asking about this. But everytime we schedule a meeting with HR, they always cancel it. Now i don't think i can wait any more longer.What i want to know is, if i decided to resign right now, should i still be eligible for the resignation package?

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