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is a lying to your supervisor a serious misconduct?

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Arresto Menor

phone are not allowed inside our company because its a bank. but that morning i just forgot to leave my cellphone in my locker. the security guard caught it bulging from my jean's pocket.
i thought my supervisor could help me with the situation so i approached him and asked him if he could help me. then he asked if what's in my pocket is really a cellphone.
i said no, it's something else. i was meaning to ask him if he could help me make the guard realize that I was not really using the phone. i just forgot to leave it in my locker. he didn't look like he would help me so later on i still decided to surrender it to the security guard.
they are now accusing me of serious misconduct and willful disobedience which could result to termination.


Arresto Mayor

you have three offense(s) actually:

1. bringing in cellphone
2. lying to your superior
3. if you're in Makati, i know it's illegal (there's actually a Republic of Makati Very Happy Law) to use phone inside banks (like phones on gas stations)

now let's looks at your defense: the reason of "i forgot" is not valid, and then instead of telling it to your superior, you elected to "not tell" intentionally. and lastly, it's a city government offense. now, here's what our labor code has against it that the arbiter may take a look at if they (bank) opt to terminate you and you filed a case with NLRC:

Causes for Termination by the Employer

1. Serious misconduct;
2. Willful disobedience of employer’s lawful orders connected with work;
3. Gross and habitual neglect of duty;
4. Fraud or breach of trust;
5. Commission of a crime or offense against the employer, employer’s family or representative; and
6. Other analogous causes.


Reclusion Perpetua

Due process is a must.

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