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1new member, law student Empty new member, law student Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:43 pm


Arresto Menor

How do you study if you work 8 hours per day? I'm a grade school teacher.

2new member, law student Empty Re: new member, law student Tue May 21, 2013 9:21 pm


Arresto Menor

I used to have an 8-5 hour job during my first two years in law school. I usually read my books and digest cases at night from 10pm to 1am. I take down important notes from what I've read per subject for next day's class. I commute everyday and I devote my time reading my notes during my 30-minute house-to-office travels. I reread assigned codal provisions during office breaks. I devote my whole Saturdays and holidays for advanced readings. Sundays are rest days (not really rest days because I spend the day doing my laundry, cleaning, etc.). It's a good thing that I am still single and I have no children to take care of. Upon reaching third year, though, I resigned from my job to fully concentrate on my law studies. For working students, studying Law really takes a lot of sacrifice, proper time management, and self-discipline. Good luck!

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