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New Member/Incoming Law Freshman Student's Queries

2 posters

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Arresto Menor

Greetings to all the people in this forum; glad that I saw this website concerning the study of law.

So, I'm an incoming first year law student this june. Do you have any tips in surviving (at least) the first year in law school?

~How to adjust to the professors?
~How many hours a day to study per subject?
~What can be the possible outcomes if I do not join any fraternitites this year?
~Who are the people that I must approach in law school?

Replies shall be much appreciated. God bless!


Prision Mayor

~How to adjust to the professors? -> ibigay mo ang gusto nila.
~How many hours a day to study per subject? -> 2 hours every 2/3x a day
~What can be the possible outcomes if I do not join any fraternitites this year? -> nothing. it's not compulsary naman
~Who are the people that I must approach in law school? -> anyone, i think.

good luc!

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