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Unauthorized deduction from salary... SSS loan

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Arresto Menor

My mom needs help, her employer has been deducting an amount from her salary for 7 months now. When she checked with their HR manager she was informed that she has an outstanding SSS Loan. When she checked with SSS she found out that she does not have one. She is now asking for her company to return the amout that was illegally deducted from her salary but was informed by their incompetent HR manager that she would have to wait for SSS to return her payment. She has been waiting for 3 months now. I know it is a small amount but the stress they are giving my mom is unacceptable. I need to know what charges I can file against their company and where do we stand from here. Hoping for your assistance as soon as possible. I am on the edge to going to their office and personally talking to their manager


Reclusion Perpetua

Before an employer will deduct SSS loan, a voucher must be presented first to the employer. Did your mom presented a voucher??If none, then its illegal deductions.


Arresto Menor

I would just like to add a follow up question on this one...Mine is a bit similar...Only mine is that they deducted the whole amount of the loan on my backpay but I am so sure I paid that loan 2 years ago (I have a receipt). When I asked them they said that Mumbai computed and my backpay and they said they confirmed with sss, according to SSS, they said I still had a loan balance, but when I called sss myself, sss said I didnt. Is this something I could complain to DOLE about? Up to now my employer has not given me my correct backpay

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