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seeking legal advice

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1seeking legal advice Empty seeking legal advice Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:04 pm


Arresto Menor

I work in a BPO in Alabang and decided to apply to a different comp. The company has an opening for the current position that I’m in which as stated in the ad is a pioneer account. A week after the job interview, i received a call from corporate recruitment informing me that i passed the interview and was advised to go to head office in Makati for the Job offer and signing of contract. The date was May 7, after carefully reviewing the contract I agreed with the terms and accepted the offer. As per contract, once the contract was signed, my start date with the company will be June 11 and was advised that i will receive a call from recruitment regarding the schedule of my training. I was given 30 days to render my resignation from my previous company. 3 days prior to my start date recruitment did call to inform me that the training class where im suppose to be assigned was transferred to a different site and i was just to be included to a different account in Alabang. After several validation interviews with the operations and it was already 4 weeks from the start date stated in the contract, i was still not informed about my status in the company and it appears that my current status was floating. So i decided to escalate my concern with HR which they immediately responded and assisted me. On the same week i receive a call from recruitment informing me that I need to sign a new contract with them, so i questioned this and asked them why is there a need to sign a new contract? and will i get my 1 month salary because as per contract, its clearly stated that once i sign it, my employment starts June 11 including my salary and all benefits included in the offer. Their response was, “You’re not entitled to receive your salary since you didnt report to work from the dates mentioned”. So i questioned this, and said, ” how can i possibly report for work, when the account that i’m suppose to join was transferred to a different site and the company did not assigned me to a new account? And I was placed on floating status for a month. Im not at fault here, the company should have informed me earlier that this is the situation so i could have either extended my resignation from my previous company or could have retracted my resignation, My job with my previous company was my only source of income and you took that away when you asked me to resign.” he just replied that this was the decision of corporate recruitment. Now my question is, Should i accept the new contract? Was there any labor code violation committed by the company? should I file a complain in NLRC? Who is at fault here? I apologize for the lengthy inquiry and hope that you can assist me with this. Than you so much!

2seeking legal advice Empty Re: seeking legal advice Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:14 pm



i recommend you focus first on getting a position. then you can start coming for that month by sending letters up the management chain.

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