I have been employed abroad and I paid a half of my placement fee prior departing.
I signed a promissory note that i will pay my remaining balance of the placement fee in the following month.
But as i have all the legal papers (POEA, exit clearance, contract and so). I was offered on the contract for a salary of, lets say. 1000$ but on the contract it says, 500$ basic fee, remimbursables like transpo 100$, Electricity 100$, education 100$, and the rest 200$ to make it 1000$.
As i look at my POEA exit clearance, it stated there my basic salary of only 500$. But i do get 1000$ as wage ( i already have my first wage)
So, my question is. Since i paid half of my placement which is 500$. Should i still pay the remaining 500$ for my placement fee to the agency, since my POEA clearances only stated that my basic salary is 500$.
I need your expert advise.
thanks you