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Possible Constructive Dismissal?

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1Possible Constructive Dismissal? Empty Possible Constructive Dismissal? Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:39 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello. I am currently working at a BPO company. For two years, management has been assigning me to different departments without, in my opinion, my consent. The most recent one is the last straw.
I worked for the company initially as a content writer, but due to some weird management decision, they have concluded that I would be better off as a graphic artist.
What upsets me is that, although they have trained me for three weeks, I am not a good graphic artist. I cannot perform well. I feel that management’s decision to transfer me to another position where I cannot perform well is illogical.
I have asked my supervisor last month to put me back to my original post but her supervisor said that it wouldn't be possible. The senior manager herself also said that moving me back to the writing department is not possible. I would be thankful for the job, if all I really cared about was the money.
But my problem is that the contract only said that I should do "tasks assigned by management from time to time." But this is not the only instance that I've been given a completely different role. And this time, the graphic artist position requires skills that I, as a writer, really lack. I doubt that it can even be called a "task" since it is a completely different position.

Is there a case for constructive dismissal, now that I have chosen to resign? I've even contacted the country manager about this but his hands seem tied.

Thanks in advance.

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