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Hello I am Rob and I specialize in writting reports for law firms

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Arresto Menor

My background is collecting data in databases and producing reports for law firms all over the US for products Like Lexis-Nexus and other products used by Law Firms QuickBooks etc. I am hoping to get some great advice since I work with Lawyers all the time. I look out for you guys scouring sensitive datat all day long and I hope they can look out for me.

I have a problem and need legal advice on creating a website that exposes the truth about a real estate developer who has a deposit of mine that he refuses to return.

A relative pasted away and left my wife and I a small amount of money. My wife and I decided to take the money to a land sale in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. We have never bought land and thought we would go down there and look at what they had. Many lake front properties facing the lake with the backdrop of the mountains not too bad we assumed. We were advised of a piece of property at its value by the land developer and was told the land we were looking at was 80k. I let my wife who technically owns the money make a bid and she offered 67,500 which sounded smart they agreed and we put down our deposit with the property thinking we had a future "on golden pond" so to speak.

Then we went and got a loan and we chose two banks one of our own and one that the developer suggested who seemed honest enough. Our bank came back with a "no" on the grounds that the property was grossly overvalued at 45k maximum value. We were declined on that basis not due to credit. Their bank who happens to be the financial backer (we found out) and owns the loan for the Developer. Their bank approved us immediately and said lets start the payments. Well I thought something was funny as the interest was rather high and the payments long term. So I said I would rather get a second bank we do business with to try to give us a better loan. The second bank also declined us saying that the property was grossly overvalued and will be difficult to build on and they would not allow us to purchase something greater than its value. So again declined based on grounds of value not credit. My wife has an R1 rating that is 4 points away from a perfect credit score and I am not kidding either.

We were told that if we were declined twice that we would not be obligated to purchase the property and all would be void. Now these guys are saying we either take the property with their bank who approved us at a high interest rate or they will take their sweet time about getting our deposit back "Oh could take years...were so sorry there is nothing we can they are not returning my emails or calls"
Okay so these guys are saying that they can't give us our deposit. So I started thinking ...........

Could I start a website which I now own the domain My intention for this site would be to simply show all the documents my bank showed appraisals (which I have permission to use) emails, comments and status of exactly what this company is doing to people. You know simply tell the truth and inform them that every time someone pulls up the name of their company it will show right under their name "" telling our story. Thus showing their brochures online and explain how buyer need to beware of this. It is not a scam it is just a ripoff. I just want to let them know as long as they hold off full and final payment I am going to leave this site up drawing loads of attention every time someone Googles or Yahoos there "pretty little name". I know how to position this site so whenever their company name is searched on this site will come up right next to it. I just realized that my technical skills may actually put a serious thorn in their side informing other good honest people of their exploits.

Is this legal to do to this to a company? Again all I am doing is telling the truth everything is documented or if this is more complicated then I think what kind of a lawyer do I find that understand these laws? Please help if you can and call me if you need reports out of your legal software?

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