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Free Legal Advice Philippines

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I wanna Help & the person wants to use Land Title as Collateral

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Arresto Menor

Attorney, good day sa iyo.

I would like to seek a help,A friend of mine wants to settle his outstanding obligation in one credit card company here in Philippines.

He told me na talagang drain na sya in terms of finances and he wanna borrow money from me and he will use a land title or the title of house & lot as his collateral.

Sabi nya, worst to worst kung hindi nya matubos at makabayad sa akin, pikit mata sa akin na daw ang LUPA & BAHAY.

Flexible naman po ako attorney, I am giving him 3 years to pay or maybe 5 years kasi close friend ko sya.

Now, attorney, how can I proceed with this kind of transaction? Ano ang dapat kong isa alang alang, in case na hindi nya nga matubos ang bahay at lupa.Medyo may kalakihan ang ipapahiram ko and ayoko pong mag aberya.

Ano pong mga documents ang dapat kong ihanda at dapat hingin sa kanya for this transaction.

Hoping for your reply, salamat po attorney and more power to you and to your family..

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