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We were force to sign a document

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1We were force to sign a document Empty We were force to sign a document Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:48 pm


Arresto Menor

We were force to sign a document without seeing another attached document. We are a regular taxi driver and our company would like to make us an independent contractor so that so no more liabilities to the government mandatory services like SSS, PAGIBIG and Philhealth. If we don't sign we will be hold will be force to resign. We ask them to give us a copy of the signed document they did not allow. There are lots of problem in our company and would like to file a case.

Most of us has no choice and singed the documents, can we void that document and file a case?

Is it right that they charged us the boundary of the taxi just in case no one drive our regular taxi unit even we have advance notice for the absence or with leave of absence?

Please advise and thanks.

2We were force to sign a document Empty Re: We were force to sign a document Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:27 pm



yes, you can file a case for regularization.

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