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Backpay Concerns

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1Backpay Concerns Empty Backpay Concerns Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:19 pm


Arresto Menor


i hope someone can help me with my problem regarding my back pay with a certain pharmaceutical company.

Last January 2, 2012 I was laid off due to redunduncy, they gave us till January 20, 2012 to surrender all requirments, and till the February 3, 2012 as day we can sign their quit claim/cheque release.

I was able to comply with the January 20, 2012 compliance of surrendering the requirements.

Unfortunately, on February 3, 2012, I was not able to go to the office to sign the waiver and get the cheque as I was in the hospital because my brother suffered a heart attack the morning of the same day.

After which, I was informed that i will not be able to drop by at any time of the week to get my backpay as they need to coordinaate ith their lawyers and dole representative, and that i need to be found a shecdule depending upong their availability.
is this legal??

2Backpay Concerns Empty Re: Backpay Concerns Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:32 pm



yes, because they will ask you to sign a quitclaim before the arbiter, but they cannot withhold it from you indefinitely. ask for a schedule to do it at nlrc directly or through a notary public. if they refuse, tell them you will file a case at nlrc.

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