good day!!
We forged the signature of my ex- boyfriend when I gave birth to my now 6 year old son thinking that I would be able to get some assistance from him. But we were just always getting help from his mom because she felt sorry for the kid but she herself recommended to get away from the relationship because he has a lot of women who he also had a kid but never gave support. (What I found out he has 4, mine was the 3rd. I was able to talk to the women thru his mom also)
When I left their home (because he is not always there) I never heard from him after a day asking where I was, until now. Last I know that he is in Olongapo but we're not sure because it's only in facebook. Now that account is no longer available.
Now my son is going to school this year, and I don't want him to use his surname. My boyfriend is willing to use his surname but he had a past marriage which we think is null & void because his ex wife is his aunt thru blood relation because his mom & his ex wife are 1st cousins.
Would it be possible for you to shed some light on this very complicated situation?
Is my partner's former marriage is really void? Because we plan to get married, how will we be able to null the marriage. And what can we do about changing my son's surname? Thank you!!