We have 2 houses located in that village. Right now, we moved to the 2nd house just across the same street as the 1st (original) house is under renovation/ improvisation. The renovation was ongoing despite the fact that we haven't secured a bldg permit yet but we know that we need to do that. The cause of delay for the clearance (that is a requirement for the bldg permit) was due to the officials' impediment also and demands that is unrelated to the 1st house that will undergo renovation.
Their demands pertains to our 2nd house that acquired 2000. They want us to pay the monthly dues in full before they issue us the clearance for the 1st house. According to my parent, there will be a negotiation on the monthly dues before that will be settled.
It is now of severe inconvenience that this people harass us in certain ways:
--> not allowing delivery trucks for the construction materials
--> threatening our construction workers that they will have them locked up if they don't stop the construction.
--> Threatening us by having our water connection disconnected.
I would like to know if they are allowed to do those kind of things knowing that our bldg permit application is still ongoing. We already have a NOTICE directly from the MUNICIAPLITY ENGR himself for the continuation of the construction but with surcharges pending due to violation (in not having it applied earlier).
Can we, I'm speaking for my sisters' behalf, file a criminal case to these people? Also, do they have a right as homeowner's officials decide on having our ongoing renovation stopped? As I can see, the MUNICIPALITY should be the one to question that and decide whether to have it ceased. It is of my thinking that we don't owe these officials any as this is our property.
Thanks very much and looking forward for your response