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Financial Assistance

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1Financial Assistance Empty Financial Assistance Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:32 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi. Our company have been giving Financial Assistance (also considering it as a separation pay) to a resigning employee regardless of their position and employment status. It has been a company practice since 2008. However, lately when the owner have found out that it is written in the labor code that resigning employee is not entitled to a separation pay, she suddenly changes the rules and decided that all employee who will resign from the company will no longer entitled to a financial assistance. When a week ago, a voluntary resigning employee still received his financial assistance from the company. Is the decision of the management fair? Or the employees have the chance to fight for their rights to have their financial assistance when the time comes that they have decided to resigned from the company? Since giving of financial assistance has already evolve to a company practice? Hoping for your immediate advice and thank you in advance.

2Financial Assistance Empty Re: Financial Assistance Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:57 pm



i would argue that it is valid. the counter argument is that it is a benefit which can no longer be removed, but i am more confident that management's decision will be upheld.

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