I would like to raise some questions regarding the adoption of my brother. We have a helper that gave birth to his son from her affair to another man. She asked my mom if my mom would like to adopt the child because she can not raise the child well, for she has 7 more children. Since we are all girls, my mom adopted the child few days after his birth. However, they did not went through any adoption procedures except that my mom made a written agreement signed by the mother and was notarized. My mom settle the birth certificate of the child with the help of her midwife friend. But what they did was they registered the name of the child under my mom and her second husband (they are not married; my mom is legally separated with my dad). My mom is already 54 y/o and her age written in the birth certificate is 50 (they changed it). Now, we have plans to have a short vacation in hongkong. We are applying for the passport of my adoptive brother. I am just concern about some problems that we might encounter. are we allowed to bring the child with us on our vacation? Is the adoption of my brother legal? Please help. thanks in advance