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1NOVATION.. Empty NOVATION.. Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:52 pm


Prision Mayor

NOVATION – extinguishment of obligation by creating/ substituting a new one in its place

a. changing object or principal conditions

b. substituting person of debtor

c. subrogating 3rd person in right of creditor

a. valid obligation

b. intent to extinguish old obligation – expressed or implied: completely/substantially incompatible old and new obligation on every point

c. capacity & consent of parties to the new obligation

d. valid new obligation


a. extinguishment of principal carries accessory, except:

- stipulation to contrary

- stipulation pour autri unless beneficiary consents

- modificatory novation only; obliged to w/c is less onerous

- old obligation is void

b. old obligation subsists if:
- new obligation is void or voidable but annulled already ( except: intention of parties )

c. if old obligation has condition

- if Resolutory & it occurred –old obligation already extinguished; no new obligation since nothing to novate

- if suspensive & it never occurred –as if no obligation; also nothing to novate

d. if old obligation has condition, must be compatible with the new obligation; if new is w/o condition – deemed attached to new

e. if new obligation has condition

- if resolutory: valid

- if suspensive & did not materialize: old obligation is enforced

2NOVATION.. Empty Re: NOVATION.. Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:53 pm


Prision Mayor


a. REAL/OBJECTIVE – change object, cause/consideration or principal condition


1. substituting person of debtor ( passive )

EXPROMISION; initiative is from 3rd person or new debtor; new debtor & creditor to consent; old debtor released from obligation;

subject to full reimbursement & subrogation if made w/ consent of old debtor; if w/o consent or against will , only beneficial reimbursement;

if new debtor is insolvent, not responsible since w/o his consent

DELEGACION; initiative of old debtor; all parties to consent; full reimbursement;

if insolvent new debtor – not responsible old debtor because obligation extinguished by valid novation unless:

insolvency already existing & of public knowledge or know to him at time of delegacion

a. Delegante – old debtor

b. Delegatario - creditor

c. Delegado – new debtor

2. subrogating 3rd person to rights of creditor ( active )

a. conventional- agreement & consent of all parties; clearly established

b. legal- takes place by operation of law; no need for consent; not presumed except as provided for in law:

presumed when-

1. creditor pays another preferred creditor even w/o debtor’s knowledge

2. 3rd person not interested in obligation pays w/ approval of debtor

3. person interested in fulfillment of obligation pays debt even w/o knowledge of debtor

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