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How to get rid of an alias warrant of arrest?

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Arresto Menor

Me, my brother and my sister was issued an alias warrant of arrest three years ago because of contempt due to non receipt of invitation of the hearing which was supposedly to be held at Prosecutors office but was endorsed to MTCC. The case filed against us was Slight Physical Injury.

Three years after, my brother and I posted bail, had an arraignment and after two hearings in MTCC the case was dismissed due to technicalities caused by the Barangay Officials who did not follow the right procedure before endorsing the case to the court.

Now that the case was decided dismissed by the judge, how can we get rid of the alias warrant of arrest issued to our sister? she was not present during the proceedings because she is an OFW.

We have the copy of the decision of the court which reads dismissed. Will the court make another hearing for my sister? Does she have to post bail? How will be she cleared of her NBI clearance?

Hoping for your guidance. Thank you. God Bless.

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