I am an American Citizen and I live in the US. I have a 10 year old son with a man who lives in the Philippines. He has never paid child support, not even one dollar to my son. He used to live in the US but he was deported for a crime he committed here. He has been employed in the Philippines since he has been back for about five years or so. My question is does Philippine law recognize an American issued child support order if I were to file here? Also he works for an American Based company, do you think that would help me get child support? I have no idea how to approach this. I really think it is unfair to myself and my child that he did a crime and was deported and now he is living this great life in the Philippines with out any responsibility for his child and/or no consequences for not taking responsibility. If he was in the states he would be in jail for not paying child support. I just do not know your law. I would appreciate some advice please. Thank You!