and shall include a stamped or marked container of goods.
1. National Treatment Principle – foreign nationals are to be given the same treatment in each of the member countries as that country makes available in its own citizens.
2. Right of Priority – any person who has duly filed registration for trademark shall enjoy a
right of priority of six (6) months.
3. Protection against Unfair Competition
4. Protection of Tradenames – protected in all countries without obligation of filing or registration
5. Protection of Well-Known Marks – each country-member of the Union may refuse, cancel the registration and prohibit the use of a trademark which is a reproduction, imitation or translation (or any essential part of which constitutes such), liable to create confusion; of a mark considered by competent authority where protection is sought to be well-known in the country as being the mark of a person
entitled to the benefits of the convention; and used for similar or identical goods.