A few weeks ago, I spoke with my professor on the phone. Throughout the conversation, she raised her voice and threatened me three times, most notably, that "hindi kita papagraduatin."
I am a graduating post-grad student. I was supposed to graduate this summer after my thesis defense.
Furthermore, my professor trampled my character - calling me a liar and a problem. (For the record, academically I have a GPA of 90). She likewise emailed all my panelists (the faculty group that serves to deliberate on my thesis defense) and made it appear that I was being less than honest.
As it stands, I will sadly not be able to graduate this summer. At the same time, I felt distressed by threats and character attack in our phone conversation; and humiliated and discredited. And I do not know what to do, if I have rights to fight for and whether I even have a legitimate case against my professor and department.
Please please advise. I am so depressed by this and feel very powerless.