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Student Threatened by Professor

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1Student Threatened by Professor Empty Student Threatened by Professor Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:47 pm


Arresto Menor


A few weeks ago, I spoke with my professor on the phone. Throughout the conversation, she raised her voice and threatened me three times, most notably, that "hindi kita papagraduatin."

I am a graduating post-grad student. I was supposed to graduate this summer after my thesis defense.

Furthermore, my professor trampled my character - calling me a liar and a problem. (For the record, academically I have a GPA of 90). She likewise emailed all my panelists (the faculty group that serves to deliberate on my thesis defense) and made it appear that I was being less than honest.

As it stands, I will sadly not be able to graduate this summer. At the same time, I felt distressed by threats and character attack in our phone conversation; and humiliated and discredited. And I do not know what to do, if I have rights to fight for and whether I even have a legitimate case against my professor and department.

Please please advise. I am so depressed by this and feel very powerless.

2Student Threatened by Professor Empty Re: Student Threatened by Professor Mon Jul 23, 2018 11:01 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Have you tried escalating the concern to the head of that department? The current head should be able to handle a complaint filed against your professor who did those alleged acts against you.

If there is no resolution, keep on escalating the concern to the higher-ups until your case gets resolved.

If the school fails to act on it or if you feel that there is collusion among the school administrators that is unfavorable towards you, try going to the nearest regional CHED office and ask for advice regarding your case. They should have a legal department that can look into your concern.

Good luck.

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