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Psychological Exam when filing RA9262

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1Psychological Exam when filing RA9262 Empty Psychological Exam when filing RA9262 Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:41 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, good evening. Newbie here. Smile

I went to the police station earlier to supposedly file RA 9262 against my husband. Since my case will be under psychological abuse, I was advised to get a psychological exam from a psychiatrist first, so that I will have a strong evidence. Now, my question is, can I get a psychological exam from a registered psychometrician instead of a psychiatrist? And how much do you think it costs?

Hope someone answers my question. Thank you!


Reclusion Perpetua

Better get yourself scheduled at a government facility.

3Psychological Exam when filing RA9262 Empty Re: Psychological Exam when filing RA9262 Sat Sep 30, 2017 10:09 pm


Arresto Menor

Specifically which gov't facility you mean, ma'am/sir? According to the police from the women's desk, the government does not cover or shoulder such exams. And sadly, getting myself a psychologist for my psychological exam is too expensive for me. It costs 25k since it includes court appearances as an expert witness. *sigh

4Psychological Exam when filing RA9262 Empty Re: Psychological Exam when filing RA9262 Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:55 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Where I am from I ask my clients to have themselves scheduled for appointment at the government facility for mental health. They pay the fee of course, and the government doctor examining them could be compelled by subpoena to testify.

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