We received a letter from NLRC for an employee about illegal dismissal, money claims, and illegal deduction.
Our claim is he wasn't dismissed illegally because we had reason to believe that he was charging our customers Service Charge, without the knowledge of the management, and disbursing the amount to his other accomplices (which I hope translates to theft.)
Before his termination, we had an investigation, and from it we got a confession from several employees including the complainant (audio recording), copy of the order slips, witnesses, and video recording of said witnesses that admits that all the info that was presented to them regarding the incident is true (video to show that they weren't forced; the matter was explained to them in a manner they would understand; and given them freedom to refuse to sign the document if they think it was false).
Again, I have an audio recording of the complainant admitting he was part of the service charge issue. My concern is if it would be enough to dismiss the case in NLRC? Will I still have problems with the money claims, or does qualified theft excludes him from receiving any amount? Should I totally sue him for theft after?