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annual fee collection on credit card thought that the card was already cut off

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Arresto Menor

Good day! last year March 2016 i made the last and full  payment on my credit card debt and requesting for the bank to had my card cut off since I don't have plans of using it anymore. But I was so shock at this moment when I receive a SOA about the annual fee. I thought the card was already cut off I even tampered the card but I was so saddened and stress upon knowing they haven't done it. And now the said amount has some additional charges. Binabaun nila ako sa utang na wla na sana akong obligasyon sa kanila. How can I pay it that infact I don't have a job for years now, kaya nga pina cut off ko na yong card pero wla pala silang ginawa. What can I do with these matter binigyan nanaman nila ulit ako ng problema. Thanks


Reclusion Perpetua

Do you remember the details when you last talked to a bank representative to have your card cancelled? It is important to remember the name (or at least the date when you transacted with a bank representative) of the representative so that they can trace when the card was supposed to be cancelled.

Try to recover the last credit card statement and proof of final payment from your files, it is needed to prove your intentions on having your credit card cut off on the final payment date.

You may have to go to the bank itself to have your account reviewed. Bring all the necessary documents that you have, especially the one I mentioned previously.

Good luck.

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