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incentive not given

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1incentive not given Empty incentive not given Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:56 pm


Arresto Menor

Good Day everyone,

I want to seek legal advise regarding my situation with my current employer.

Im a BPO employee and our account has this incentive program which is given to employee each month. I was qualified for that incentive for the month of December because i passed all the needed metrics. i am suppose to get this incentive amount this comming payout Jan. 25, 2017. Now. My SUPERVISOR told me earlier today that i am disqualified because and will not get anything because did something wrong on the call to for them to disqualify me on the said incentive program. Which i admit. But the problem is. The call happened on. DEC. 31 and its was monitored and evaluated late already which is in Jan. 4, 2017. Which means that the call that got monitored should be considered a monitored call for the month of January already. Eh. Ayaw po nila pumayag na i lagay sa Month of Jan. Ung call na yun which disqualified me to get the incentive. And nag ask po ako sa ibang Q.A dapat daw po tlagA for the month of Jan. Na un. Hindi ko naman po kasalan kung late na sil nag monitor ng calls ko.

Pwede nyo po ba akong matulungan or bigyan ng advise?

Salamat po in advance.

2incentive not given Empty Re: incentive not given Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:39 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Talk to your manager/director and QA. Ask for clarification and supporting policies.

3incentive not given Empty Re: incentive not given Sat Jan 21, 2017 4:18 am


Arresto Menor

They will not going to compensate me this comming Jan. 25, 2017 incentive amount is given a week before payout and i dont have mine.

Question po.
Pwede po ba ako mag file ng complaint?

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