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Mall won't provide CCTV footage

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1Mall won't provide CCTV footage Empty Mall won't provide CCTV footage Thu Dec 22, 2016 6:09 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi everyone,

Please help!
Our car was hit by another vehicle while it was parked inside a mall (free parking). The front bumper was wrecked, as well as the left signal light.
The guards failed to get a hold of the perpetrator but they were able to talk to a witness who provided the plate number of the car. We were at the department store when this happened and only found out about the incident several hours later since the mall personnel did not page us about the situation.
The mall security said that the area where we parked our car is not covered by the range of the CCTV camera. We are asking that they provide us with the footage from the CCTV at the exit area. We already have the estimated time that the incident happened, so we will just use that as the basis to track the car.
We immediately filed a police blotter and the Traffic Management Group issued us a letter so we can get a printout of the vehicle's information from LTO. As of now, we already have the name of the owner and the model/make of the car.
However, several days have passed but the mall still has not provided us with a copy of the CCTV footage. Another error on the security guards' part was that they failed to get the name & contact number of the witness.
What actions can we take to compel the mall admin to provide a copy of the CCTV footage?
What is the responsibility of the said establishment regarding the incident?

Thanks in advance!

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