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unpaid debts

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1unpaid debts Empty unpaid debts Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:28 pm

helen petilo

Arresto Menor

Good day!

This is my situation. Somebody owed me P30,000.00 with agreed interest rate/month and promised to make down payment every 15 days. But this agreement was never been followed. She only paid 1 month interest and never bothered to pay the remaining amount.

I filed complaint at Barangay level and reached until the Barangay Lupon level. There was an agreement/settlement made in the Lupon Level that she has to settle the said amount for six months but still she did not follow the said agreement.

Now I wanted to file the case to higher level.

What will be my next move?
Can I demand for an imprisonment of that person once she can't pay the borrowed amount?

Thank you so much.

2unpaid debts Empty Re: unpaid debts Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:44 pm

Arresto Menor


I'm not a lawyer but I think I can answer...

For that, since there is an agreement in the Barangay, you may:

1. File claims in small court for the amount not paid

2. File an estafa case should you wish to pursue a criminal case for him/her

God bless..

3unpaid debts Empty Re: unpaid debts Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:17 am


Arresto Menor

Good evening, I'm sorry to butt in, I have a similar problem, however I am currently overseas right now and the person owing me money is in the Philippines, now my question is, is there a time limit for me to file charges to collect the money someone still owes me? lets say after 5 or even 10 years, can I still press charges against the debtor? Thank you, any info would be greatly appreciated

4unpaid debts Empty Re: unpaid debts Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:45 am


Arresto Menor


depends on what your evidence is for the debt. 10 years if it is written and 6 years if it only orally made.

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