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Consequences for Failing to Submit BIR 2316 to New Employer :shock:

4 posters

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Arresto Menor

Hi Everyone,

Do you have any idea of the consequences if I fail to submit BIR 2316 form to my new employer as my former company already closed due to bankruptcy? I tried reaching out to our former HR Manager to no avail.

Please help.



Reclusion Perpetua

you just need to get bir 2316 for this year from the new employer and file ITR by yourself. DO you have yung figures from the previous employer? How much you were paid etc?


Arresto Menor

Hi lukekyle,

Thanks for your advice. I only knew my gross salary not the net. Unfortunately, most of my payslips were no longer readable since nabasa/ napunit. They only provided me my COE before they closed. Sad

Btw, the company officially shutdown in Mar this year and I got my new job in April.

I'm quite worried that I might not be able to receive tax ref.


Reclusion Perpetua

tax refund? from the new or the old company?


Arresto Menor

tax ref for this year with the new employer...won't it affect this year's tax refund ba?

Last edited by incognita82 on Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


Reclusion Perpetua

If there is no 2316 from the previous employer, you may be taxed at a higher rate.

Consequences for Failing to Submit BIR 2316 to New Employer :shock:  Vpjamu


Arresto Mayor

Pag minimum wage, exempted po sa tax and kailanga pa rin po ba mag submit ng BIR 2316?


Reclusion Perpetua

if minimum wage ka, wag mo na problemahin. hindi ka affected. Although technically dapat submit mo parin para the employer is sure na yan lang yung income mo for that period


Arresto Mayor

thanks sir Luke.


Reclusion Perpetua

Kailangan pa rin ibigay ang 2316 galing sa dati para ma-compute ang lahat-lahat na kita para sa taon.

Pag lumpagpas na sa tinatawag na threshold para sa minimum wage ang kinita o kikitain sa buong taon, magkakaroon na ng karampatang buwis ang buong kita.


Arresto Mayor

Thanks sir Council.

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