I would like to seek your assistance in giving me an idea about the possible cases I can file against our HR business partner. We are required to issue a notice to explain to employees prior to serving a Consequence Management depending in their trangression. Whether it should be Verbal, Written or Final Written, or worst, For admin hearing prior to termination,
I was able to serve a Final written Warning due to the agents accumulative number of missed hours from his Absenteeism that resulted to an Admin Hearing. i was not able to issue one for the No Call No Show that the agent did last July 30 and Aug 3. The Admin Hearing due to his missed hours were done so the Notice to Explain for his No call no show issue was served for possible serving of Final Written and Admin Hearing for Term. We actually do not have the policy on when is the time frame of serving NTE's (notice to explain). They are now dinging me for negligenc due to late issuance.
Please help.
Appreciate your response.
I would like to seek your assistance in giving me an idea about the possible cases I can file against our HR business partner. We are required to issue a notice to explain to employees prior to serving a Consequence Management depending in their trangression. Whether it should be Verbal, Written or Final Written, or worst, For admin hearing prior to termination,
I was able to serve a Final written Warning due to the agents accumulative number of missed hours from his Absenteeism that resulted to an Admin Hearing. i was not able to issue one for the No Call No Show that the agent did last July 30 and Aug 3. The Admin Hearing due to his missed hours were done so the Notice to Explain for his No call no show issue was served for possible serving of Final Written and Admin Hearing for Term. We actually do not have the policy on when is the time frame of serving NTE's (notice to explain). They are now dinging me for negligenc due to late issuance.
Please help.
Appreciate your response.