Im a call center agent and our account was closed down.on last may 13 friday our manager inform us that the account will be close and our last day will be at june 30th. our manager inform us that we will be reprofile to adifferent account and will undergo with a interview to a different department. and if we will be not qualify then we will be redundiate.Before that some of the agent already remove from the program and provided a severance fee most of them are tenured and galf of it is less than four months. Our Manager did not provide any details out it and reason for them to be remove. We asked a question for the grounds about it and our manager said decide and did not answered. I immidietly approached him and asked because 1 of the person that was out is my friend he said that attendance is 1 of the creteria that they check. then therefore that some of that agent that was left behind have also a attendance issue. he did not repy for it and i walk away.
During meeting we asked these question.
* if we were will be reprofile to a different account would that be a tech account? our maanager mentioned that he is not sure if that is. since that we are tech support is there any option that we should be redundiate. our manager declined it and said and quote that we still be reprofile to another profile or you may resign and our office be going to faciliatate the document.
* Can we declined that offer for reprofile and we just accept the redundancy pay. OUr manager answered it and said that we cant do it the only way is to follow the option that the compny provided
On our side that we were not given a fair option and provided a mismatch reprofile.And seeking for redundancy pay.
seeking your help for possible lawsuite.