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adoption gone wrong..HELP!!:'(

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1adoption gone wrong..HELP!!:'( Empty adoption gone wrong..HELP!!:'( Mon May 16, 2016 2:50 am


Arresto Menor

I am an adopted child but i don't have any adoption papers to support that i am adopted. But my birth certificate says that my "foster mom" is the mother who gave birth to me.. on this day, this place.. with a witness's signature on it, and an attending physician... so in other words my birth certificate shows that i am their daughter. but my brother insists that i am not legally adopted so i have no right to claim any of their properties and i don't have the right for special treatment. do they have the right to cast me out of the house? is it right to not give me any of their properties?
i'm so confused i need your advice.

and another thing:
i was a beneficiary of my father's pension,
pero i don't think i ever received any..Sad
i am 24 years old now, married with a son.

: (
please help me understand my situation.

2adoption gone wrong..HELP!!:'( Empty Re: adoption gone wrong..HELP!!:'( Tue May 17, 2016 5:10 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi katerina_petr0va,

Please note that they cannot simply deny you of your right as an heir without presenting sufficient evidence to prove that you are not a child of your supposed parents.

A birth certificate and the facts contained therein is presumed to be correct unless proof has been shown that your birth is simulated and your birth certificate has been falsified.

While I am not aware of the evidence presented by your brother in support of his allegations, I hope that this can, in a way, enlighten your situation.

-Atty. JB

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