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1BIR FORM 2316 Empty BIR FORM 2316 Mon Apr 11, 2016 5:04 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day!

I need your advice about BIR Form 2316. For the year 2015 I was employed under 2 companies. However, I was placed under an agency for 3 months by my current company so it's a total of 3 employers.

I already have my BIR Form 2316 from my 1st employer. The problem is I couldn't get BIR Form 2316 from the agency that my current employer endorsed me with. They said I wasn't deducted any tax in the first place. But I believe for consolidation, I still need the form coming from the agency to validate my earnings, right?

Is there anything I can file against the agency for not issuing me BIR Form 2316?

Thanks and regards,

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