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Arresto Menor

Hi all I hope you can help!

I have a pro-cannabis group we are a set of professionals and entrepreneurs that can be considered successful and very productive to society, no criminal record whatso-ever but we have a secret we consume a lot of cannabis. We know it is illegal but we are also firm believers that the government is wrong on this topic. We kind-of gave an assignment on one another to find out about the technicalities of the law about cannabis before we do a campaign for it.

Just an example of why we believe the law is unfair on cannabis:

1. Alcohol is more dangerous than cannabis, a person that was smoking cannabis for X amount of hours has lesser risk of killing someone while driving than someone who has been drinking the same amount of hours. Yet alcoholic beverages are legal, and are also being abused?!

this information is easily searchable on google and a lot of scientific peer reviewed papers about it.

FUN FACT: Philippines vs Israel, which country do you think has better medical research and industry? now to the real fun fact! You can buy cannabis joints in pharmacies in Israel!

But now out of the INTRO and to the main QUESTIONS:

1. Is it safe(legal wise) to publicly say that "WE CONSUME A LOT OF CANNABIS DAILY"? The objective of the statement is to showcase ourselves as productive citizens even though we are consuming it a lot and we pose no danger to society as provided by our untainted track record though it will be tainted now since we are admitting of doing something illegal.

2. If Question 1 is A NOW WAY SCENARIO, can we then say "WE USED TO CONSUME A LOT OF CANNABIS DAILY"? Or if there is a period criminal liability how long before we can safely say that phrase?

According to Article 2 Section 15 of the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002

"Use of Dangerous Drugs. – A person apprehended or arrested, who is found to be positive for use of any dangerous drug, after a confirmatory test, shall be imposed a penalty of a minimum of six (6) months rehabilitation in a government center for the first offense, subject to the provisions of Article VIII of this Act. If apprehended using any dangerous drug for the second time, he/she shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment ranging from six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years and a fine ranging from Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00): Provided, That this Section shall not be applicable where the person tested is also found to have in his/her possession such quantity of any dangerous drug provided for under Section 11 of this Act, in which case the provisions stated therein shall apply."

3. Does this provision provide the loophole we need? Because some of us have actually stopped the use for several months now( no withdrawal ), and have tested negative for urine, blood and hair follicle cannabis test just to prepare for our campaign.

Or being apprehended or arrested means we have to do a violation first so that we can be tested for drugs before we can be persecuted. heheh

NOTE: We are 100% sure we will not be caught in possession of anything illegal!

I hope you can help on this topic! Peace!

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