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ORAL DEFAMATION by humilliating & discriminating co-employee

2 posters

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Arresto Menor

Ang pang-humiliate po ba ng isang katrabaho sa harap ng iba, nakaturo at gigil na sinabi ang mga salitang: "Kung hindi kayo pinakikinggan sa itaas, ibig sabihin pipitsugin kayo. Mahina kayong klase kung wala kayo magawa!", ay maituturing po bang oral defamation?

Please help me po kasi naba-bother ako sa mga salitang "PIPITSUGIN KAYO" at "MAHINA KAYONG KLASE". Thank you in advance.

Last edited by sheila08 on Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : to ask for help or answer)


Reclusion Perpetua

Depende kasi yan on how it was said to you and how you felt about it. Pwede kasi yang panghihiya or merely an outburst of emotion nung nagsabi.

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