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Patalsikin sa pwesto

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1Patalsikin sa pwesto Empty Patalsikin sa pwesto Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:50 am


Arresto Menor

Good morning, isa po ako empleyado sa isang private school. May bago po promote na principal sa amin kaso my times na mali ung ginagawa nya. Madam I ang napapahamak sa mga ginagawa nya yo the point na madami namumura teacher sa amin. Kumbaga wala naman talaga issue ay gagawan nya ng issue para gumanda lang ang kanya pangalan. Wala po kami HR at family own business po ang school naming. Gusto namin patalsikin sa kanya pwesto ang aming principal. Ano po dapat namin legal gawin?

2Patalsikin sa pwesto Empty Re: Patalsikin sa pwesto Fri Jul 24, 2015 2:41 pm


Prision Correccional

You can file a collective complaint against the erring Principal before the Office of the President/Director of the private school.  Have it in writing and signed by the complaining teachers.  This will alert the Management of the school of the alleged misdemeanor of the Principal. Don't forget to have a receiving copy of the complaint for your file and future reference.

Expect an investigation on the matter and each of you or all will be called at the same time for an interview.  Be sure to have proof to make your case strong against the Principal.

3Patalsikin sa pwesto Empty Re: Patalsikin sa pwesto Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:56 pm


Arresto Menor

@mrs_scofield,, thank you po sa advice.

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