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1CONTESTABILITY Empty CONTESTABILITY Mon May 04, 2015 10:21 pm


Arresto Menor

A few months back, I was asked by my manager to assist on a situation requiring convincing my teammates to do a certain task. My colleagues were a little resistant to doing the task as it may impact their relationship with their clients. My manager said I can help since I was most senior and I was basically next in line to be promoted to lead position once the current lead gets promoed or resigns or for whatever reason an oepning for the post becomes available. Now, without any notice they promoted another person instead. CanI contest this decision or what are my options?

2CONTESTABILITY Empty Re: CONTESTABILITY Tue May 05, 2015 5:49 am


Reclusion Perpetua

jevic1957 wrote:A few months back, I was asked by my manager to assist on a situation requiring convincing my teammates to do a certain task. My colleagues were a little  resistant to doing the task as it may impact their relationship with their clients. My manager said I can help since I was most senior and I was basically next in line to be promoted to lead position once the current lead gets promoed or resigns or for whatever reason an oepning for the post becomes available. Now, without any notice they promoted another person instead. CanI contest this decision or what are my options?

You can contest - it is your right to do so.

But if you're hoping that they will agree with you and change their decision - I doubt it. Management has prerogative to choose who to move to other positions.

It's not only your manager who has the final decision on who to promote.

And any conversation is not a guarantee of anything.

3CONTESTABILITY Empty Re: CONTESTABILITY Tue May 05, 2015 8:15 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Yes. agreed with Council.

what you can do?
2 options
a. still do your best and the prove them you deserve the position, but in doing this, u still need to follow the new boss... if that will be your immediate leader.
b. explore the horizon, there are many fish in the ocean,, if you think your skills and talents can be recognized somewhere else, go, carry mo yan,,
good luck

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