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Hold Departure Order

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1Hold Departure Order Empty Hold Departure Order Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:11 am


Arresto Menor

Gud day.

I just recently know that my current common law husband has a previouc marriage. When we got together I didn't knew he was married. When I learned about this we talk about it. He says he was married in 2006 and they separate ways. He said he was 20 years of age and the girl 25 when they signed the marriage contract, it was secret marriage as per say since their parents has no idea about it and they dont have marriage license and no marriage really took place. Even their witness is faulsified. They needed a marriage contract since his school asked for it because the girl was a professor in his school. But when they seperate the girl file the contract in nso without his knowledge. He only find out it was filed when he gets a cenomar. Now after 7 years of separation the wife is demanding 120k from him for annulment purposes as she said. They didnt have a child. And threatining him that she wiĺl file a case of concubinage. We only got together last 2013. They havent been together since 2009. I have no idea he was previously married back then. We have 2 kids now. Before me he had live in partner for 4 years n have 1 kid with her but the first wife didnt bother back then. Isnt her silence for a long time same as allowing the mischief of his husband? Isnt it she doesnt have the right to demand since their marriage is void from the beginning?

1. How can he file a petiton for null n void? The marriage is not valid?

2. How address his nso data for cenomar?

3 Can this be a ground for concubinage? She even says that she will file hdo at poea? Is that possible.

how can hdo filed and who can file it?

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