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do i have a case against my lawyer??

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1do i have a case against my lawyer?? Empty do i have a case against my lawyer?? Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:16 am


Arresto Menor

i withdrew the service of my lawyer because i was not satisfied with what he did with the processing of my transfer of took him more the a year but still no results. i paid his professional fee in full and gave him the payment for the application, taxes and registry of deeds( in full as per his request and quotations). with so many follow ups but less updates from his end, i found out just this month that his just on the 1st stage of the application.. still at the accessor's office.. i asked him to return the money intended for the application and taxes but he doesnt want to give it back.. ako daw kasi ang nagwithdraw.. sabi ko the money wasnt use at all and you have been paid before hand.. hindi ko na nga kinukuha ang professional fee nya, just give the rest of my money back.. what are my legal rights? please help.

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