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Child Support

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1support - Child Support Empty Child Support Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:41 am


Arresto Menor

Hello po,

I just need an advice on how i would deal on demanding for a child support. Yung partner (which is now my ex) had broken with me for some reason na hindi clear. ang sabi nia lang po kac na di lang daw kami mag wowork. We have not talk pa personally kac di nia siniseryoso yung sinasabi ko na kailangan na lang namin mag usap tungkol sa anak namin. Seaman po kac sya. we are not married. He actually just came back. But with the the way he think and decide na di cgurado gsto ko isecure yung anak ko.

Pano ko po ba uumpisan ang child support?
Ano po ba pwede gawin to make sure na hindi nia tatakbuhan ung responsibility sa anak nmin?

Please help me po kac gsto ko na maging legal ang child support nia sa anak namin.. Salamat

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