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Illegal recruitment

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1Illegal recruitment Empty Illegal recruitment Thu May 08, 2014 4:20 pm


Arresto Menor

I am currently in dubai. I have a friend na nag patulong sa akin pumunta dito as a visit visa.' Ngayon na offload sya sa immgration sa pinas and now gusto nya ibalik ko lahat ng nagastos nya papunta dito,. Ngayon nag file sya ng case na illegal recruiter daw ako? Anu ang chances ko? Bakit ganon ako na yung tumulong parang ako pa yung napasama.

2Illegal recruitment Empty Re: Illegal recruitment Sat May 31, 2014 8:59 pm

tsi ming choi

Reclusion Perpetua

If the main purpose sa pagpunta nya with your help dyan sa dubai is for work, then you can be considered as illegal recruiter kasi you engaged in recruiting a person for employment abroad whether for profit(magkapera ka) or not(kawang gawa) without obtaining first a license from DOLE to engaged the same.

The best defense is that sabihan mo na pumunta sya sa dubai just to visit you, as a tourist only and without any intent to work therein.

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