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Land title name correction / transfer

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1Land title name correction / transfer Empty Land title name correction / transfer Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:12 am


Arresto Menor


we are currently trying to have the title of my father's land corrected.

The story was, my LATE uncle tried to sell the property was back in the 1960's without my father's consent. He was able to have the land titled under HIS NAME and sold it to another relative. So, now, the standing title of the land is under my uncles name.

My father didnt know this until a few years ago, when he settled the real estate taxes of the land. Our problem now is that can we still claim this land and have the title transferred/corrected to reflect the real owner of the land? my Uncle and his wife already passed away but I still have living cousins (their children) who knows about this situation and are willing to have this corrected. We are trying to settle all my father's property so we need some advise on what shall be the necessary steps that we need to do regarding this matter.

Thank you in advance.



what you want to achieve cannot be done through a mere correction of entry. you will have to file a case for revocation of title, and prove that what your uncle did was fictitious. it will be a full blown trial.

is the estate of the uncle already settled? does your father insist that it be named to him, or would he be willing to have it named to his heirs?

i recommend you consider arranging for the settlement of the uncle's estate and transfer back the property to your father or his nominees. it may be easier and cheaper than a trial.


Arresto Menor

thank you so much for your reply.

another suggestion/recommendation we got was to make an extra judicial settlement? will this work? thank you!

4Land title name correction / transfer Empty Re: Land title name correction / transfer Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:27 am



yes, that is what i recommend. the properties are transferred to your cousins and they will transfer to you or your father.


Arresto Menor

in line with discussion, atty pwede po bang ako makahingi ng sample for correction of entry sa land title.

salamat po..

eto po ang email ko

6Land title name correction / transfer Empty Re: Land title name correction / transfer Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:46 pm


Arresto Menor

May I ask for advice regarding this same situation? The land title do not bear the suffix (JR) on my husband's name. Is this only solved by going to court? Kindly give idea on how much and how long. Thanks for the time po.


Arresto Menor

Hi. My wife and I have acquired a land and have the certificate of title transfered to our name. But we discovered that the spelling of the address of our land title is incorrect.
The correct spelling is supposed to be "Villa Amor" but on the title, it was typed as "VILLA AMORA" (a letter A was added at the end. It was not our fault since all our documents and attachments are all correct including the Deed of Sale.
What do we have to do about it, and who is going to shoulder the expenses of going through the process of correction? Is it possible that the whole title be replaced instead of just putting an annotation on it? We want our title to be clean.
We badly need your advice as we need it for loan application for improvement.
Thank you in advance.

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