I signed the contract last November 18, 2013 for a 3 yrs employment contract and in case I resign before that duration, I will be liable for 100k. I want to resign now because I feel that we are being used by the company too excessively. I'm a fresh grad and passed the CPA board exam last October. Due to excitement for my first job, I signed the contract though its not the usual accounting practice that we do. I belong now to an IT Industry focused on developing accounting system to Clients.
At first, it was just okay but after we sent to one client, we experienced too much work. Everyday, we have an overtime going home at 11 pm and also we are asked to go to work during saturday and sunday. But then, we don't received any overtime pay for that. Yes, there was a free dinner everytime there was an overtime. But it is too much stressful. Now that I am planning to resign, Could that be a possible or just reason to resign and to waive the employment contract?? What could be the possible or right way to do an exit from this kind of work. I am no longer happy with this po..