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Predicaments of people with NLRC cases ..

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Arresto Menor

Writing to you for advice. I have been a medical sales representative for 10 years. My ordeals started when i filed a labor case against my employer, to counteract, the following day, my employer filed a case against me at Manila RTC. I won at NLRC and they withdrew the case they filed , REASON : Misappropriation of FACTS.

I accepted their settlements, because i have no job and have a family to feed and also on the condition they withdrew the the case they filed against me.Even if during those days when the case was going on, they continuously Malign me when future employers did background checks on me.

Friends of mine, i was told seldom employers accept people in their company with NLRC cases, for it connotes a revengeful impression. Part of me, find it true.  

I find it heart pinching to find questionaires in application form " HAve you ever been involve in legal cases "? . For it at times sends immediately a bad impression on your character. I was harassed during those times, maligned thru invented lies. Luckily i have all the documents and God's intervention.

WHat i want is justice at times, physically and spiritually most of the times. I even have the recorded meetings of the HR. Both Managers filed an immediate resignation after they received a letter from NLRC.   I know where they are now, and have thoughts of sending the case findings of NLRC to their respective companies, as a revenge. Since those are public documents.

Thank you very much for reading this letter. Please find a small space in your prayers to add my requests to God. Of justice and forgiveness.

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