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Training Fee

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1Training Fee Empty Training Fee Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:05 pm


Arresto Menor

Legal ba ang training fee?

My employer is charging training fee P15,000 and pro rated number of months served the company. meaning un P15000 mababawasan depends ilang taon ka na sa kanila.

No major seminars and even so, this is an investment of the company and not only for the employee. why make us shoulder the training?

In my 2 years in the company, i dont think i even reached P5000 in training cost and charge me P15000?

This is indirectly investing to their company as well. i might as well be a shareholder?

They even have cash bond (they call it accountability fund dahil bawal ang bond) in disguise na if ever may accountability daw ako, un ang magbabayad.

my question is training fee and cash bond is not allowed by law right?

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