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Rights of Heirs

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1Rights of Heirs Empty Rights of Heirs Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:23 am


Arresto Menor

  1. Can the child of a deceased person be the sole owner of properties owned by the deceased parent even if the deceased has several children?

  2. Can deeds of absolute sale be made just between the parent and the child without the prior knowledge nor the consent and signature of the other children?

  3. What if the other children want their share of the properties because their greedy brother took it all for himself without their knowledge due to the fact that he was the only one with their father before he died?

  4. If those properties were promised and partitioned between all of the children verbally, and there is no last will and testament, does that mean that the cunning child can get away with what he did, leaving others with nothing?

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