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Cash Liabilities

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1Cash Liabilities Empty Cash Liabilities Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:59 pm


Arresto Menor

I've been dating this girl for about 8 months but since I'm in Singapore and she was in Manila we very seldom see each other. Only the times when I came back twice last year and she visited me here in Singapore for couple of times as well.

The problem is I bought her a luxury watch worth 68k because she promise that she will pay in installment basis. Plus an iphone 5 that I pass it to her to sell it on her colleague worth 33k. She works in a hotel that's why I trusted her to start this as a business, doing buy and sell. She only pay me 20k and that's it, nothing subsequently.

I made her clarifications that this will not turn into a relationship since I have some priorities. Our way of communicating is through online chatting like viber or facetime..

Then now, after things being cooled down she don't want to communicate with me anymore and didn't reply to my messages.

My question is what case can I file for her to sue her?

She has a liabilities to me more than 60k in pesos. I have my witness that my brother pass the iphone to her plus a credit card transactions and a picture she has the watch.

I hope you can help me on this... Thanks in advance.

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