I recently won a bid on Ebay Philippines for a Louis Vuitton bag. The seller mentions that her item is 100% authentic and even posted the actual photo of the item. I reviewed first her feedback so I would know if I could trust her and based on my review, at that time she had 100% positive feedback from 70 transactions. With this, she gained my trust. I contacted her through her mobile number she posted on Ebay. I even reconfirm again if her item is 100% authentic and she said she guarantee that it is authentic coz' she already sold few items few days back. So I deal with her and deposited my payment via bank deposit in BDO. She sends my order thru LBC the same day but she changed my item to different one coz' she found problem with the bag while packing it. I got angry at her coz i said she should inform me before sending it. Well then I don't have any choice but to return it back to her coz that is not what i paid for. After 2 days, I received the item and I got disappointed upon checking the bag coz' i it is fake/counterfeit. It is also different from what i won in Ebay auction. I contacted the seller immediately after I found out that it is fake. I requested from her to give me full refund. She replied to me and she said she didn't know that the item she sends to me is fake. Also, she cannot be able to return my money coz she already sends the money to her supplier and now she cannot contact her supplier anymore. Â I reported this problem to Ebay Philippines but it seems that I cannot get a positive answer to my problem. Further, the seller is ignoring my call and text and she seems like avoiding me. I cannot get an answer from her so now, I want to know what case I can file for the seller and in which government body should I report/file complaint. I got her residential and business addresses, her personal account number in BDO in where i deposited my payment, also her other online account and businesses and even I got her picture which I took from the internet.
Some people advised me that it is impossible to get my money back but still I am hoping for a positive answer. Is it really possible or impossible to get my money back coz its hard earned money and I want her to stop her wrong doing.
Your help and advice is highly appreciated.
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you and kind regards,