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someone owed me money and left the country

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Arresto Menor

please help me!some1 owed me cash and left 4 U.S!how can i go after her?my family sacrificed a lot for that savings!pls help me!



if that person has property registered in his name here, you can file a collection case and execute against that property. if none, you can still file a case but you'll just end up with a paper judgment.

it's not a crime not to pay a debt. are there other circumstances such as bounced checks?


Arresto Menor

yes, what will happen? a friend of mine is also leaving for US, she still owes a big amount of money to me and my friends. She has bounced checks.


Arresto Menor

Sec. 1 of the Bill of Rights
No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non-payment of a poll tax.

In other words, no one could be compelled to pay a debt under pain of criminal sanctions.

Ang sarap pakinggan kung ikaw ay isang taong balasubas.

But it is not as heartbreaking as it sounds because as our resident attorney here is asking, if there could be a check involved para yun ang gamitin to hold that balasubas criminally liable (in relation to BP22)or there could be estafa involved.



sweet, what will happen all depends on the creditors if they will take any action.


Arresto Menor

I think it is considered as syndicated estafa. I heard that this kind of case in non bailable, is it true? we are more than 5 people who gave money to her and her boyfriend. actually, her boyfriend is from government agency.


Arresto Menor

In return, they gave us blank checks so we will just fill it up when needed to withdraw from the bank. But they keep on telling us that it has no fund. Until I've found out that I am not the only person who gave money to them. We started depositing all the checks and it all bounced.

I have all her text messages in my cellphone. I saved it for future evidence.



the hard part is proving the intent to defraud. if you have evidence of that it was a scam all along then a large scale estafa charge may prosper.


Arresto Menor

So, what evidence? like the bounced checks? All of us "investors" want to sue her already.

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